
Showing posts from September, 2022

Why do Tax Automations Fail?

Tax process automation is a journey, not a destination: As we’ve witnessed in the last two years, the global labor shortage is a post-pandemic new reality that businesses of all sizes must deal with.  One of the areas where labor shortage is a real challenge is the field of Tax.  As more senior Tax professionals opt for early retirement and not many college grads are willing to put in the long hours on repetitious spreadsheets, Tax has a real problem. To make the issue worse, while Tax Technology has advanced many Tax Departments are still relying on the old and time-consuming manual procedures performed by the Tax preparers. Why? Honestly, a sustainable transition to technology and automation is not that easy. Simply hiring a consultant to automate a Tax process is not a realistic and sustainable solution if your Tax professionals who use the new solution cannot maintain it for future use. This is why most Tax Technology investments either fail after th